Our Culture


We believe we have the power to affect positive change – not only with the consultancy we provide to our clients – but to the wider community.   We call this ‘On Purpose’. This runs through everything we do, whether that’s delivering supplies to our local food bank, supporting our clients’ charity initiatives, cycling 600km over five days for the Mines Advisory Group with industry partners, or providing career opportunities, mentoring and support for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. We want our team to feel empowered that they are part of a company and culture that exists to contribute positively to society and our community.


We recognise that providing equality of opportunity, valuing diversity and promoting a culture of inclusion are vital to our success.  Our aim is to harness people’s individual talents and skills by creating an open and inclusive workplace culture where people can be free to be themselves no matter what their identity or background.  We are fully committed to this agenda and ensure that our policies and processes, recruitment and selection, measurement and reporting and team training follow D&I best practises. We believe that we have an important role to play in supporting this agenda externally and work closely with organisations like Career Ready,  Creative Access, Brilliant Creative Minds and Brixton Finishing School to support and drive change within the wider comms industry.



We were proud to be awarded Blueprint Ally status in October 2020, a diversity mark which helps organisations attract, retain and nurture diverse talent. As part of that accreditation, we have signed up to 23 business commitments, which cover everything from recruitment practices, retaining and nurturing talent, agency wide training, as well as publishing our diversity data each year.

As a Blueprinted agency we are committed to transparency and accountability and are pleased to report the following updates:

    • In 2020 we set out a goal to achieve 10% BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) representation within our team by the end of 2021. Due to continued growth, we were pleased to report that we hit 10.6% representation in July 2021, much earlier than anticipated.
    • In July 2021, we extended our goals, and set an updated ambition to hit 12% BAME representation by the end of 2021, which we met.
    • Our 2022 ambition is to hit 14% BAME representation by the end of the year.
    • On gender, currently 86% of our team are women, and we have 90% female representation within our senior management team.

    We know we still have a lot of work ahead of us, but we are proud to be reporting positive progress. 

    We are ever thankful to Elizabeth Bananuka and her team, as well as the wider Blueprinted agency community, who are equally committed to working together to drive positive change.


    After some really ambitious 5 year targets to reduce our carbon footprint – we achieved carbon neutral status in May 2021. To get there, we implemented a series of energy and emissions saving initiatives, including an electric car scheme that benefitted both our employees and the environment.  


    From our partnership with social mobility charity Career Ready to mentorship schemes and work places with the Brixton Finishing School, we’ve supported more than 100 young people across the UK. In addition to these initiatives, we also support One Can Trust, a local food bank that provides support to low-income families in the area.  

    With more than 40 awards and accreditations since 2020, including PRCA Mid Sized Agency of the Year – we have a lot to celebrate and we’d love for you to join us.  

    If you’re a brand looking for an agency partner to help you build meaningful connections with your audiences, then please get in touch.

    Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings,
    London WC2A 1AN

    +44 (0)203 151 4362

    Let's Talk!

    Spaces, Jubilee House
    Globe Park, SL7 1EY

    +44 (0)1494 731 750